Analgesic therapy
The concept of pain, even when it is difficult to define, is not unknown to us and is where the painkillers play a fundamental role when suppressing or healing the painful sensations. In Global Pharma we provide affordable high quality pharmaceutical mediators, pharmaceutical active ingredients (APIS) and finished products to our global red of clients looking to expand the painkillers market supply.
Anti-infectives and antivirals
In Global Pharma we look for innovative solutions to infectious diseases.
The anti-infectives are the base of modern medicine as we know it, preventing, treating or even healing many kinds of infections. These include anti-bacterial medicines, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitic, specific medicaments against aids, among others. Our efforts aim to find effective medication and treatments in this field.
Cardiovascular diseases: an important health problem world-wide.
We offer prime material and innovative medicines to improve the health of the patients suffering different cardiovascular conditions, which entails the main cause of death and disability world-wide.
Solutions for treating and skin care.
In Global Pharma we provide sophisticated active materials to the industry to support or directly take care of the symptoms from diverse skin afflictions.
Metabolic disorder therapy
Our Goal: to contribute actively to the metabolic disorder treatment.
Knowing that these multifactorial disorders could be severe and chronic, our team of specialized professionals apply all their knowledge looking for better options of treatment for the market.
Rare diseases
The rare diseases are not so strange.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) a disease is denominated rare when it affects 65 people out of 100 thousand or at least 1,3 out of 2.000 people. On many occasions, the lack of treatment options could make the total patient's experience, since the diagnosis onwards, be an experience full of challenges and doubts. In Global Pharma we lookout to contribute to the transformation of the reality, committed to the life of people with rare diseases and their access to quality treatment.
Gastrointestinal therapy
The gastrointestinal diseases could be complex and greatly affect the life of those who suffer from them. Our team is in the lookout for innovative medications able to improve the patient’s quality of life suffering this condition.
Our commitment with the patients is unbreakable and we search for pioneer medications that contribute with their treatments.
Immunomodulators therapy
Immunologic disorders: an increasing condition.
We look forward to addressing a range of immunological diseases in which the necessity of more efficient treatments is needed, helping in this way to the people whose immunologic system has been affected.
Parenteral Nutrition
A clinical nutrition adequate is a fundamental component of the development, recovery and the improvement of the patient’s health. Our team looks forward to increasing the nutrition attention options in the market.
Ophthalmic therapy
Pioneer therapies for vision problems.
The eyes are the most complex and delicate organs in the human body which is why we work tirelessly in the lookout for medications that support the well-being, prevention, treatment and cure of a diverse ocular conditions from patients around the world.
Transforming therapies on the increase: encouraging panorama.
We are focused on discovering, developing and offering effective oncological therapies for patients world-wide that allow them to have better results and a better life quality.
Respiratory therapy
We focus on the improvement of the quality of life from patients who suffer from debilitating respiratory diseases, allowing them to maintain a more independent life.
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Central nervous system diseases have the capacity to disrupt the life of those who suffer from it. In Global Pharma we strive to discover integral solutions, innovative and efficient treatments in those places where treating these diseases is needed since they can be singularly upsetting and many times: misunderstood.
Musculoskeletal System therapy
The musculoskeletal system belongs to the movement system, which is made up of bones, articulation and skeletal muscles. In Global Pharma we understand its importance since it is the one in charge of holding the body, protecting the important organs and move, this is the reason why we look to offer therapies that improve the people’s functional capacity, symptom reduction and improving their well-being.
Urological therapy
The genitourinary tract and good performance are vital, it is made up by a combination of organs in charge of the production, storage, urine expulsion and other important functions as the erectile function. In Global Pharma we search for educational therapies adequate for people with different kinds of afflictions in this area and that they can have an innovative medication against these diverse pathologies.
Our team looks for the constant innovation to make every day the life better for those patients who require different therapies and treatments which is why we work to offer more, as fast as we can. Together we promote a change.
Disclaimer: The information described in this section is not equal to a prescription. In case of any symptoms, consult the doctor.